Tembo Financial

Financial Institution

About Tembo Financial North York

About Tembo Financial
Based in Ontario, Tembo Financial is a financial institution located in North York and serving its nearby areas. This North York financial institution has years of experience working in this industry.

During business hours, Tembo Financial can be contacted at (844) 238-6717 for any questions about their knowledge and expertise as a financial institution.

Tembo Financial Address

The Tembo Financial address is located at 265 Rimrock Rd, Suite 202, North York, Ontario M3J 3C6, Canada.

There is parking available near this address.

This is the only active business location for Tembo Financial.

Tembo Financial is a Canadian business. 🇨🇦

About Tembo Financial

Tembo Financial About Tembo Financial

Tembo Financial is a mortgage lender that offers clients unique services and allows them to get hold of money quickly. The company is licensed by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. Tembo Financial has gained a very good reputation for its services and is also known for their excellent customer service.

The company has a team of expert consultants who can help each client with the right solutions based on their needs. They help to ease the stress some clients may feel, with their fast and professional services. Mortgages, equity advance and deposit loans are just some of their many services. If you need a loan for renovations or further mortgages, Tembo Financial can help.

Financial Services

Tembo Financial Financial Services

Tembo Financial offers clients diverse services such as deposit loans, equity advances, mortgages (first, second or even a third mortgage), home renovation loans, stopping power of sale so that you can sell your home on your own terms and other financial solutions.

Tembo Financial can help you receive a loan quickly in order for you to renovate your home and increase the price of your home. This allows you to make a much bigger profit from the sale. Upon qualification, you can also borrow money for moving expenses, home repairs & renovations, closing costs, vacations and even more.

Tembo Financial Applications

Tembo Financial Tembo Financial Applications

It is a simple process when it comes to making an application with Tembo Financial. There are specific documents that will be required, such as a driver's license, a void cheque and some other personal information. In general, a credit check will not be performed, however, on some occasions, it may.

When an application is made in regards to a property, documents relating to the property in question must be shown. For example, a purchase and sale agreement, a listing agreement, a current mortgage statement and any other documents in relation to the property may be required.

Tembo Financial Hours

Tembo Financial Hours
The following are the Tembo Financial hours of operation:
  • Monday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
  • Tuesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
  • Wednesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
  • Thursday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
  • Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
  • Note that the regular business hours may be affected during holidays and special occasions.

    Tembo Financial Website

    Tembo Financial Website
    For more information, visit the Tembo Financial website and social media profiles: