About Rideau Retirement Residence Burnaby

During business hours, Rideau Retirement Residence can be contacted at (604) 291-1792 for any questions about their knowledge and expertise as a retirement home.
Rideau Retirement Residence Address
There is parking available near this address.
This is the only active business location for Rideau Retirement Residence.
Rideau Retirement Residence is a Canadian business. 🇨🇦

Rideau Retirement Residence is a retirement home located in Burnaby British Columbia. Close to conservation areas and surrounded by shopping and restaurants, Rideau Retirement Residence is the perfect place to spend quality time with your friends.
Located near the Burnaby and Vancouver border and only minutes from the highway, this retirement home is ideal for day trips and is easily accessible to family and friends.
Dining Options

Eating right means being able to have the nutrition your body needs to be healthy as well as the energy to enjoy your day. Rideau Retirement Residence understands this and ensures the meals provided to residences allows them to achieve these goals.
At Rideau Retirement Residence, residents have the opportunity to choose a meal from menus that change daily or make one up from à la carte options. Either way meals are made by professional chefs and are guaranteed to be delicious and nutritious.
In the event you are expecting special company, dining staff can help you develop a menu that your guests are sure to enjoy.
Rideau Retirement Residence Hours

Note that the regular business hours may be affected during holidays and special occasions.
Rideau Retirement Residence Website