About Red Oak Retirement Homes Kanata

During business hours, Red Oak Retirement Homes can be contacted at (613) 592-6426 for any questions about their knowledge and expertise as a retirement home.
Red Oak Retirement Homes Address
There is parking available near this address.
This is the only active business location for Red Oak Retirement Homes.
Red Oak Retirement Homes is a Canadian business. 🇨🇦
About Red Oak Retirement Homes

Red Oak Retirement Residence is owned by Sienna Senior Living. Sienna is one of Canada’s largest owners and operators of seniors’ living, with high-quality residences in Ontario and British Columbia. The company employs over 12,000 people who are passionate about caring for the elderly.
When your elderly loved one is unable to take care of himself/herself, you want to look at living arrangements where he or she will be happy and healthy. Red Oak Retirement Residence can help you achieve these goals and give you the peace of mind you need.
Red Oak Retirement Residence Amenities

Red Oak Retirement Residence has plenty of amenities to ensure that your loved one has plenty of things to do and receives the care he/she deserves.
At Red Oak, residents have the opportunity to enjoy amenities such as the Windsor Arms Bar and Bistro Bar, library, beauty salon, chapel, country shop, wellness spa, billiard room, lounges, a greenhouse, walking paths. Red Oak also features housekeeping service, transportation for group outings and appointments, pharmacy, companion service, and caring staff available to assist 24 hours a day.
Red Oak Retirement Residence Activities

Residents of Red Oak Retirement Residencehave ample opportunity to make friends and participate in activities such as the game room, fitness classes, wellness programs, physical therapy, and movies. The retirement home residents can also enjoy swimming in the salt water pool or relaxing in the jacuzzi and sauna.
In addition, retirement residents can enjoy a full suite of recreational activities, such as surfing the web in the Internet lounge or completing projects in the woodshop or craft centre. They can also go on one of the various excursions offered by the residence such as to the National Arts Centre, museums, and mystery lunches outside the building.
Red Oak Retirement Homes Hours

Note that the regular business hours may be affected during holidays and special occasions.
Red Oak Retirement Homes Website