About WFCU Credit Union Windsor
During business hours, WFCU Credit Union can be contacted at (519) 974-3100 for any questions about their knowledge and expertise as a credit union.
WFCU Credit Union Address
There is parking available near this address.
WFCU Credit Union has multiple locations. This address is one of their business locations.
WFCU Credit Union is a Canadian business. 🇨🇦
WFCU Credit Union is a progressive financial institution headquartered in Windsor and Essex County. Since 1941, WFCU Credit Union have been committed to providing advice and assistance to members looking to improve or sustain their financial situations.
Whether you are an individual, business, organization, or institution, WFCU Credit Union provides a variety of different products and services to assist you in reaching your financial goals, whatever they may be.
Members of the WFCU Credit Union are able to enjoy the benefits, such as everyday savings and chequing accounts, mortgages, loans, and lines of credit. In addition, WFCU Credit Union may provide assistance with registered investments including RRSPs, RESPs, RRIFs, and TFSAs, and insurance policies for loans, mortgages, and travel. Tax preparation and estate planning services are also offered.
To become a member at WFCU Credit Union, the only requirements are for you to be 18 years of age or older, a resident of Ontario, and you have not declared bankruptcy within the last seven years. To apply for membership, complete the application form on the website. A staff member will contact you within two business days regarding the next steps.
Wealth Management
WFCU Credit Union has staff dedicated to assist you with managing your wealth. Their financial experts will create comprehensive financial plans for retirement, estate planning, and investing.
The investment advisors at WFCU Credit Union are able to assist you in building a retirement income plan and can manage your resources to their full potential. This increases the chances of you being as financially stable as possible when the time to retire arrives. Similarly, the wealth consultants at WFCU Credit Union can provide you access to options such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and more.
WFCU Credit Union Hours
Note that the regular business hours may be affected during holidays and special occasions.