About Burlington Heights Plaza Burlington

During business hours, Burlington Heights Plaza can be contacted at (416) 664-5183 for any questions about their knowledge and expertise as a shopping mall.
Burlington Heights Plaza Address
There is parking available near this address.
This is the only active business location for Burlington Heights Plaza.
Burlington Heights Plaza is a Canadian business. 🇨🇦

Burlington Heights Plaza is a good and convenient place to do lots of shopping. There are over 20 stores, including name brand stores. There are many places to do all of your shopping in one convenient place. It is in a good location and is a very popular spot.
The businesses within the building may have different hours, so make sure to find out first, before you go. The building itself is open every day. Their business hours are 11:30 AM to 9 PM from Monday to Friday, 11:30 AM to 9.30 PM on weekends.

Feel like pampering yourself? There is a nail salon where you can get a manicure and pedicure, go for a tan and much more. This place is called Bio Nail Salon. It is also a spa, so you and a friend could go and have a nice, relaxing time. They offer several techniques and styles.
Food & Drinks

There are several places to eat and drink. There is Japanese cuisine, Indian cuisine, there is the very popular Gator Ted's Tap & Grill, where you can enjoy entertainment and watch sports. Prefer fast food? There's a Pizza Hut, Mr. Sub and a McDonald's.
Burlington Heights Plaza Hours

Note that the regular business hours may be affected during holidays and special occasions.
Burlington Heights Plaza Website