About Camp White Pine Toronto
During business hours, Camp White Pine can be contacted at (416) 322-6250 for any questions about their knowledge and expertise as a summer camp.
Camp White Pine Address
There is parking available near this address.
This is the only active business location for Camp White Pine.
Camp White Pine is a Canadian business. 🇨🇦
Camp White Pine History
Camp White Pine was established in 1956. The summer camp has gained a wonderful reputation and nurtures kindness, growth, acceptance and respect. It is a warm and accepting environment and creates a strong sense of community. Kids have a blast and many come back again and again.
While we know that the world is changing really fast, the camp has stuck to its values and beliefs and tries to always stay the same. Both boys and girls can get away from their own pressures and let their hair down in a comfortable and supportive environment.
Camp White Pine Activities
Camp White Pine offers a variety of recreational and educational activities for children. In addition to a wide selection of traditional camp activities, children can also enjoy playing land sports with other kids around their ages.
These sports include hockey, soccer, tennis, baseball, basketball and beach volleyball. There are also adventure sports with activities such as archery, ropes course, rock climbing and mountain biking.
For the more creative summer campers, there are arts & crafts, woodworking, copper enamelling, theatre and more. Special events include Airbands and out-of-town trips. There are even more diverse activities.
Camp White Pine Hours
Note that the regular business hours may be affected during holidays and special occasions.